May we live as He lived by seeing those who are not seen, hearing those who are unheard, serving those who have been overlooked and lift where we stand. May we give of our time or energy and spirit, teach those who haven’t had the opportunity, give hope to the hopeless and love those who haven’t been loved. May we feel, and help others feel. And above all, May we live as the Savior lives, being willing to give to others what they lack and be willing to stretch ourselves to be who our Savior encourages us to be.
To quote elder Scott D Whiting of the seventy, “Our entire mortal experience is about progression, trying, failing and succeeding, all while learning. This road to become more like Him is not intended to make us feel guilty, unworthy or unloved.”
This will take effort, even our best effort. Only with His divine help can we become more like Him. Becoming more like him is achievable, step by step, line upon line.
Brother David Harmon
Stake YM President